ringing in the new year right!
Like most every other person on the planet, today is the beginning of something different! Don't laugh, I swear that it is going to work this time! I mean, I have only been awake for 10 hours and I have already completed NUMEROUS of my daily 'New Years Resolutions,' starting with this blog overhaul.
I was looking back at my blog while I was trying to figure out how to import it to its new home and realized that I didn't blog a single solitary time in 2014. I point this out to show how its not a lie that this year is shaping up to be the best. In 2014 I dated quite possibly the worst option for me, gained 30 lbs, and even took a job at the mall to try and tide my finances over until my business picked up. With all of this lovely baggage I moved into 2015. My year started off (like seriously less than two weeks in) with me calling the cops on my ex who in an attempt to win me be back decided it was a great idea to get wasted, threaten my roommate and me, and then circle my house banging on all the doors and windows. Now you see why I have I haven't blogged much? I turned into kinda a hot mess.
The year did shape up some. I lost some weight, I actually asked a guy out (that is a story for another time) which I hadn't done in 10 years, had consistent work, was asked on 7 dates, and started being a bit more happy. Now that I have the basic framework to get the best of my old self back--and hopefully some new good traits--I feel like this next year truly can be the best.
I didn't get the set up done for my Photo A Day, so this will have to do. I was not made to stay up until 3am... I almost thought 2016 wouldn't even be a thing, I felt so terrible this morning.
So, to make the resolutions stick here they are in all their glory:
- Do something active for at least 30 minutes a day
- Limit sugar
- Limit soda (eventually get to no soda)
- Cook 1 new meal a week
- Get dressed everyday (preferably real pants)
- Put on makeup everyday
- Fix my hair everyday (no more buns)
- Floss more than once a year
my sediments this morning
Self Improvement:
- Limit screen time (keep iPad out of my room at night)
- Read at least 1 book a month
- Write at least 1 blog post a month
- Work on personal projects for 30 minutes a day
- Send more cards/snail mail
- Activity try to date (try actually leaving the house)
- Stand up for myself early, don't let them string me along
- Only date people who put in as much as me
- Be kind to myself
To make these things work, I also have one more resolution. I will try to photograph myself everyday for the next year. This way I can see the improvements (that I put on real pants!) and hopefully that my happiness level has increased too. I want to get back to my old weight--but I don't want this year to be about that, I want it to be more about being happy with myself and seeing that I am a person worthy of photos, dates, and everything good I want.
So here's to 2016, a bun-less year for my hair and hopefully a smaller bun on my backside!